Gorgeous People People Transparent Speaker Launches on Kickstarter

When you think of speakers, if you think of them at all, you probably think of something black, boxy and not terribly big on style. There are exceptions, of course, and People People’s cool transparent speaker, launching on Kickstarter today, is one of them.

The speaker’s mostly transparent enclosure is tempered glass and aluminum, making it a cool audio addition to your home. It blends seamlessly and unobtrusively with your decor, a very slick effect indeed, and perfect for someone who wants to add some boom to their room without clunky cubes dissing their design aesthetic.

“We’re trying to make a timeless design in a way,” designer and founder Per Brickstad said. “We’re simplifying it so much, taking away anything unnecessary. We’re emphasizing what we think is really important, which is people’s music.”

The speakers feature dual 3-inch full-range drivers and a 6.5-inch woofer, and they can handle 80 to 100 watts — enough to fill Wired’s spacious lunchroom with surprisingly robust sound even at low levels. The speakers also provide bass, treble and volume controls so you can tweak the sound to suit your taste.

In back, it’s got a “toaster slot” where you can slide in an Airport Express (not included) to control the speaker via WiFi with Apple’s AirPlay. Brickstad said he wanted to develop a product that will last a long time, so most of its components are recyclable and modular, which means you can replace any parts that break or become obsolete.

All this comes at a price though: An early-bird kit version of the speaker, which you’ll have to assemble yourself, starts at $360, while the full, assembled version starts at $460.

You can support People People on Kickstarter or pre-order yourself a speaker here.

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Gorgeous People People Transparent Speaker Launches on Kickstarter