Moog Updates Its Far-Out Synthesizer App for iPad

The iPad’s most spaced-out, most diabolically fun musical instrument app just got a big upgrade.

Moog Music has added dozens of new features and a couple of new in-app purchase options to Animoog, its touchscreen synth for iOS. Updates include numerous new tones and timbres, a built-in multi-track recorder, and the ability to use the accelerometer to modulate the synthesizer by shaking and tipping the tablet.

Animoog v2 for the iPad will be available Friday morning in the App Store. It’s a free update if you have the old Animoog. Newcomers can download it for $15 until the end of the year. On January 1, it goes back up to the regular price of $30.

The latest version of Animoog includes a new way to modulate the sound using the iPad’s accelerometer.

Yes, that sounds expensive for an app, but it’s totally worth it. Every iPad-owning musician I know uses — and loves — Animoog. The app makes all the twisted and funky noises you’d expect from something sold under the Moog name (the company has been making electronic instruments for almost 60 years). Animoog combines a touch-sensitive keypad, analog-style knobs and controls, and an animated screen where the notes twirl and dance around. It’s ridiculously fun to play. Experts will find a direct path to their inner Keith Emerson. And if you know absolutely nothing about music, you can still get lost inside it for hours.

The latest version of Animoog includes a new way to modulate the sound by using the iPad’s accelerometer. As you’re playing, you can shake and rattle the iPad to alter the synth’s tonal qualities. Another new addition makes this even cooler — a note hold button just above the keyboard. Tap the note hold, let the sound ring out for a few seconds, then start moving or shaking the iPad to add squelchy pulses, wobbly vibrato or throbs of distortion.

Moog has also added an in-app four-track recorder, which you can download as an expansion pack — it’s free until the end of the year, and after December 31, you’ll be able to buy for it $5.

The recorder lets you overdub four separate Animoog performances, or you can drop in anything from your iTunes library and jam on top of it. It’s especially fun to plug in a drum track and record melodies over it. It also works pretty well as a sampler — you can grab a sound, make a loop, and build entire loop-based tracks from scratch. The results can be exported to Soundcloud from inside Animoog’s recorder.

The enhancements to version 2 of Animoog are simply too numerous to mention, so we’ve embedded the demo at the top of the post. The video also gives a sneak preview of the new Grateful Dead sound pack, which will be available very soon as an in-app purchase. To access the new four-track mini-studio and the other add-ons, update your Animoog app, then tap on the Moog Store tab at the top, just above the x-y pad.

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Moog Updates Its Far-Out Synthesizer App for iPad