Love Blooms on the Battlefield in <cite>Fire Emblem</cite>

Fire Emblem: Awakening might be a tactical role-playing game, but the most compelling part for me wasn’t plotting out intricate strategies or watching a risky plan came together. What kept me going was watching my army fall in love with each other.

To be released on February 4 for Nintendo 3DS, Awakening keeps the series’ trademark strategic design: Players deploy the units they’ve recruited and trained and then position them around a grid-based map, taking turns with the opponent for moving and performing actions. This basic formula has been tweaked a little in each of the 13 Fire Emblem games released so far, and Awakening’s twist is that it makes you more conscious of your army’s composition than any series entry before it.

If you place “compatible” soldiers next to each other, they’ll fight together and grow closer emotionally, as shown in dialogue sequences that take place after the battles. If the two units are of opposite genders, they will eventually get married. To be fair, this was always possible to a certain extent in past Fire Emblem games, but it had minimal impact on the story, and required you to sacrifice smart tactics for the tedious process of forcing units to stand next to each other. Here, as long as any two compatible units take part in a fight, their relationship will develop.

The marriage system is inextricably linked to the storyline as well. Awakening‘s story revolves around the use of time travel and will eventually have you meeting the future children of any units you’ve paired together. Depending on how they’ve been trained, the parents can pass on unique skills to their offspring, who can then be used in combat.

I never thought myself to be the romantic type but I was enthralled with this. I loved playing matchmaker with my favorite characters and watching their interactions. I purposely sent them into battle together whenever I possibly could and I meticulously manipulated the parents’ stats so their children could be as powerful as possible.

As a result, I found myself more attached to my army in Awakening than any previous Fire Emblem. One of Fire Emblem‘s defining features is that any characters lost in battle are permanently dead. But for me in this case, the stakes were higher than ever because your characters have real emotional weight. They have families, lives. So any time one of my units died, I immediately reset the game to try from my last save point.

Sure it meant resetting in the middle of an otherwise excellent run, but there was no way I was going to let anyone in my army die. They had come too far for that.

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